1805 Club Pickle Night
For some years, Captain Peter Hore has organised a Pickle Night in London, for fun and fundraising for The 1805 Club. Peter is the author of "HMS Pickle, the Swiftest Ship in Nelson's Trafalgar Fleet," which tells the thoroughly researched story of HM Schooner Pickle's fascinating origins and role at Trafalgar, alongside a bio of Lt Lapenotiere, her commanding officer and the deliverer of the official Trafalgar Dispatches. Peter is therefore probably the leading authority on HMS Pickle, her commanding officer and the story behind The Trafalgar Way. His research revealed both the route taken by Lapenotiere and the thrilling race which took place between Lapenotiere and Commander John Sykes, captain of the Nautilus, from Cape St Vincent all the way to the door of the Admiralty building.
You can buy a copy of this book here, with a share of the proceeds being donated to The 1805 Club.
The 1805 Club's Pickle Night is traditionally very informal, with no sit-down dinner, but drinks and canapés served to guests. Musical entertainment is provided to accompany the evening, and sea-shanties are sung. In 2018, a surprise appearance by actor Tom Blyth as Lt John Richards Lapenotiere enhanced the evening, as he strode into the room to announce "Sir, We have gained a Great Victory, but we have lost Lord Nelson!"

Lt Lapenotiere with two Trafalgar descendants
Actor Tom Blyth as Lt Lapenotiere, flanked by Adam Preston, a descendant of the Nelson family, and Jenny Collingwood, whose great-great-great uncle wrote the famous Trafalgar dispatches.
Future events
We are hoping that in future years, a new Pickle Night format may be held by the Club at a special venue. We have some great ideas for what might be included. The year 2020 has, for obvious reasons, not proven to be an auspicious year to begin hosting such an event, but please contact The 1805 Club to be kept informed about future such occasions. alternatively, please sign up to our mailing list using the form below, or follow us on social media for a heads-up!

A daughter of Trafalgar
Judy Collingwood, a descendant of Vice Admiral Cuthbert Collingwood's brother, receives her certificate. As Judy explains: "Jenny and I are great-great-great nieces of Admiral Cuthbert Collingwood. The lack of 'greats' is explained because the Admiral's brother John married at 60, his grandson (and the only one of three sons to have children) at 50 and his great grandson (our father) at 39."
Sons and Daughters of Trafalgar
In addition to the general, relaxed festivities of the evening, Peter presents certificates to the 'Sons and Daughters of Trafalgar'. If you have researched your family history and know that you are descended from (or related to) any man serving at Trafalgar, then you qualify for membership of this elite group!
Check The 1805 Club's Research databases for free on their website to find out if any serving naval crew from Trafalgar or throughout the Georgian era share your surname!
If you think you qualify, please contact us and we'll put you in touch with Capt Hore.
Plan your Pickle Night
Click below to see a collection of ideas and templates