Belowda Hill Mine, Goss Moor
Overlooking Goss Moor just north of the A30 near Victoria stands the engine house of Belowda Hill Mine. Also known as Beacon Hill or Belowda Beacon, it produced 49 tons of black tin in 1872-5, 1880 and 1894-6 and, under the name of Belovely, 4 tons of black tin between 1899-1902. Reworking in 1935 produced small quantities of wolfram.
There is also the boiler house and smithy nearby. The engine house is now undergoing conversion to a private dwelling.
Image © Roger Powley

Old milestone plate, Fraddon
We love photos of old markers, boundaries and milestones; they really tell a story of journeys made over the years.
Photo © Tim Jenkinson