Walking The Trafalgar Way

People often ask whether it's possible to walk the route of The Trafalgar Way. Since the route commemorates a coach journey along turnpikes of old, most of which are now either busy trunk roads, single-track lanes or chaotic town centres, the answer is regretfully, 'No, not really, not safely'. Until now...

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Games & Challenges

There are so many ways to have fun along The Trafalgar Way! We've come up with some games and challenges you might like to try. From plaque spotting to parkrunning, i-Spy to treasure trailing, see our ideas here.
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Pickle Night

Plan your own Pickle Night. Ideas, examples and templates for a fun, naval history-themed dinner with friends, family, colleagues or special guests.

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Upcoming Events

Find out what we have planned along The Trafalgar Way or further afield! Events are arranged in date order, commencing with the soonest. Please share your upcoming, related, events with us too and if possible we'll announce them.

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Kate Jamieson

Your Adventures

What adventures have you experienced along The Trafalgar Way? This is a place to showcase your achievements, madcap ideas and fundraising efforts. Get in touch to share them with us.

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Win prizes and claim glory in our seasonal competitions!
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