My Father was in the Navy and when ever there was a form to fill in for something unofficial he would sign his name Horatio Nelson. I used to ask him not to and then he would sign it as Admiral Nelson and various different combinations. At school I would have to explain to everyone who Nelson was and exactly why I had his name on my sponsorship form. It was rather embarrassing at the time but I find it very amusing now and wish I had kept some of them.
It was only in 2011 I visited Victory, my Father took my family to stay in Portsmouth so that we could visit. She had the whole length of the masts then. I was very moved by the experience and I absolutely loved it, I am not sure why but standing in Nelson's cabin made me quite tearful!

I went back again this summer, and like the time before it was very funny that we thought I resemble the waxwork of Nelson in one of the museum galleries. I have attached the photographs with a few years difference between them, I quite obviously do not look like him!

I have also attached a photo of me holding Nelson's ring. I sent it to my son who lives in Tokyo and he said "you look SO happy." I was!
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Laura Eddy is a primary school teacher who is very fond of Nelson and Victory. Do you have a personal story to tell connected to Nelson, HMS Victory or Trafalgar? Please get in touch to let us know!