Enrich their learning and win prizes!
The Trafalgar Way story unlocks a world of local history and geography learning. For schools in the eight counties of The Trafalgar Way (Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Wiltshire, Hampshire, Surrey, East Berkshire and Greater London) this means learning about events which happened on your doorstep over 200 years ago. This competition uses art and photography as a medium to encourage children to open their eyes and look at the scenes around them in context. Help them spot the visual clues of yesterday, and take note of the things which give your local environment its identity today. Schools from anywhere in the UK can enter this competition: some creativity and research may be called for - paintings done from Scotland and Northern Ireland which imagine a scene are just as welcome as photographic art and open-air sketches done on location along The Trafalgar Way.
All entries for ages 7 to 16 are completely FREE.
For schools and colleges with older pupils, please encourage them to take part and enter as individuals in the Age 12 to 16 and Age 17 and above categories.
Competition deadline is midnight on 16th April 2021.
We are basing eligibility for age categories on entrants' age on 1st September 2020. If you miss the end of the spring term, pupils aged 7 to 11 on the 1st September 2020 may enter the competition as individuals (with parental consent) during the Easter holidays and still nominate their school for a schools prize. If you enter a child who is subsequently found to belong in the 12 to 16 category, their entry will be moved into the individual category for ages 12 to 16 and they will unfortunately not be eligible for a schools prize.
We've lots more free information available to teachers and home-schoolers. Please see our education resources section for our wonderful FREE downloadable information packs and workshops.

For key stage 2 pupils, teachers and school staff may submit entries on behalf of pupils in a SCHOOLS 7 to 11 ART category
How to enter one or more pupil entries
- Schools anywhere in the UK are eligible to take part.
- The staff member should register at https://thetrafalgarway.awardsplatform.com/.
- There is no limit on number of entries per staff member, and entries are FREE!
- Each entry will be considered both for the individual child awards and for a special schools prize.
- For each entry, please select 'SCHOOLS 7 to 11 ART'.
- Instead of an image title, we have asked for your student's name for each entry to identify it. If you prefer to keep this anonymous then please use an identifier of your choosing instead but please keep records to remember which child has submitted which image.
- Your entries should be supplied as follows:
- All entries are to be submitted digitally. For digital art this means the file itself. For the Art category this means a digital file (for digital art pieces) or a good quality photograph of the artwork for a drawn, printed or painted piece. Do not send in original artwork!
- Original designs for the art category may be 2D 'physical' art (paint, sketch, pastels, collage etc) or digital in composition, or a combination of both! This may include composite pieces which include, or are created from photographs.
- If the entry includes physical artwork, take a good quality photograph of the original piece to submit. Do not submit your original painting or drawing at this time.
- Original artwork may measure anything from A6 to A1 in size. Maximum dimensions are 841mm ?- 594mm.
- Upload JPEG, PNG or PDF files.
- You may submit only one image per entry. If you have variants on the same image you wish the judges to consider then you will need to submit them as separate entries to the competition.
- A maximum file size of 20MB has been set per attachment. If you need to submit a larger file, please contact us to discuss this, sending an email to [email protected]
- Please carefully retain all original artwork in its raw format. If an entry is shortlisted for an award, we may ask you to deliver this to us. If the entry is successful, we will want to display the original artwork in our Awards Exhibition.
- The same conditions apply for school entries as for individual age 7 to 11 entries, except that we will not ask for parental consent to entry, until the shortlist has been selected for this category. We will then require parental consent so that we can name the child and their school if they are chosen as the winner. We will contact the teachers/school contact in each case to ask for their help in facilitating this consent.
- Important! It is up to the staff member submitting the entries to confirm that each pupil and their entry is eligible according to the category criteria. Work must be the pupil's own. Please be very careful about potential copyright infringements, personal privacy, and read our full Ts and Cs.
Schools prizes
The winning entry and runner-up for a Schools Entry piece will win a special bundle of prizes aimed at schools.
One lucky school will be selected over all from the best schools' submissions. They will win the following:
- £250 and a Treasure Trails voucher worth £9.99 for the winning child (unless they are already an individual category winner or runner-up nominating a school).
- A Wooden World day workshop for the winning class.
- A framed copy of the winning entry, a Trafalgar Way certificate and a framed storymap poster depicting The Trafalgar Way Story in colour
- A complete Key Stage 2 Geography maps pack from Francis Frith (normally £99).
The runner-up school will be awarded:
- £25 and a Treasure Trails voucher worth £9.99 for the winning child (unless they are already an individual category winner or runner-up nominating a school).
- A framed copy of the winning entry, a Trafalgar Way certificate and a framed storymap poster depicting The Trafalgar Way Story in colour
- A complete Key Stage 2 Geography maps pack from Francis Frith (normally £99).
Still have a question?
Please first take a look at our Competition Guideines and FAQ. If that doesn't answer your question, please get in touch with [email protected] and we'll be glad to advise!
This page was updated on 12/8/2020 to take into account the deadline extension to 16th April 2021, the single ART entry category for ages 7 to 11 and the removal of entry fees for all entrants under the age of 17.
Download this information
Plus our poster and leaflet in PDF format for you to print or share electronically