Important thing 1: deadline extended to 16th April 2021
As you will appreciate, the run of our competition since early 2020 has been hugely disrupted by the Covid-19 lockdown and all the uncertainty that has gone along with that. We have been unable to reach many of the groups, schools and clubs we had hoped to. Consequently the number of entries received is far lower than anticipated. We are particularly sad that with schools being off, we've been unable to reach many younger entrants. So after some deliberation, we have decided to extend the competition deadline to 16th April 2021, after the Easter break.
This gives US the chance to tell more people about The Trafalgar Way, visit schools and spread the word about the competition for a bit longer; and gives YOU the time to enter again! Perhaps you could capture your town or countryside in a different season, or explore a different section of the route, to improve your personal chances of winning in your preferred category? Have a think - this could be a great opportunity to have another go.
Register here for the competition
Important thing 2: free entry for under 17s
We really want young people to engage with this project! To show that it is not all about fundraising and that we are not like other more commercially-oriented competition organisers (whose fees are often substantially higher than ours and for whom such competitions are entirely a commercial proposition), we have taken the decision to remove the entry fee for anyone under age 17. If you had already entered and paid the £1 or £2 fee we hope you will consider this a small donation to help us on our way? Making entry free for young people will, we hope, remove a barrier to entry and encourage more schools to take part.
See here for information for Schools
Photo credit © Paul Clarke Photography
Important and fun thing! "Halfway Home", a special prize!
For those amongst you who have already entered or are on course to submit your entry by 1st September 2020, we'd like to recognise that effort. So we came up with the idea of an interim prize - "Halfway Home". We have three 'Lt Lapenotiere' actors who've worked with us in costume over the past few years, Rob, Adam and Tom. The 'three Lieutenants' are standing by to each pick a favourite from amongst all the entries received by midnight on 1st September - so hurry and get your first entries in by then for your chance to win an extra something!
Each winning "Halfway Home" entrant will be rewarded with a copy of our fantastic illustrated Official Storymap of The Trafalgar Way. All entries will of course still go forward for official judging for the big prizes next April. You may wish to enter once before September 1st and then take your time for further entries in the coming six months?
>> Register for the competition now!
>> Study the route, stage by stage, and view sample photos in our gallery
As ever, please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or comments. We'd also love to hear from you if you know any local groups from Cornwall to London who would like to arrange a talk about The Trafalgar Way! Just contact [email protected].
All the best - thanks for your understanding, and good luck in the Halfway Home competition AND the main one!
PS - full Ts and Cs for the competition have been updated to reflect the above changes and can be seen here.