Everything you need, shipmates ...
Have you been tasked with the Pickle Night planning detail? Hosting a Pickle Night Party or Supper at home? We have everything you need, from example evenings hosted by others and templates for Order of Battle and Dispatches, to song sheets and ideas for games, to hats and wooden mugs to make your evening more authentic!

Every Pickle gunner needs a proper Pickle hat!
Try saying that five times in a row after a tot of rum!
See below for a variety of Pickle Night resources. If you don't see what you need, first check back at our main Pickle Night page, otherwise please get in touch via social media (@TheTrafalgarWay) or our contact form. Got something fun to add? Same applies!

Templates and Examples
What's 'Up Spirits'? The etiquette for the Loyal Toast? When do we Ease Springs? Worry not, we've got everything you need to help you to plan your evening in true Naval fashion. We've collated downloadable examples for Order of Battle, the Dispatches to be read out during the meal, an example speech, etc.
Click on the link to access our suite of Pickle Night resources.

Favourite Shanties
Love to sing shanties with your crew, but don't know the words? We've collected a few favourites in a handy ready-to-print song sheet pdf.
You can also read a short history of shanties in our blog "Farewell & Adieu: A history of sea shanties", and tap into the Youtube videos for some of our favourites in this post entitled "A Drop of Nelson's Blood".

Hats, mugs and flags
Coming soon, your chance to purchase Pickle-tallied hats and wooden grog mugs for your party, plus the full set of paper flags you'll need for signalling "England Expects...".
Coming soon

A Pickle Night Primer: Toasts and Etiquette
Do you know the Bishop of Norwich? Ready to splice the mainbrace? Do you stand for the Loyal Toast? Check out our article with the inside knowledge on customs and jargon for Pickle Night dinners.